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SimpleXML Single Depth Element with Attribute in Inline List

I want to parse the following XML

<entry key="9" type="9">
    <amount stake="10">50000000</amount>
    <amount stake="1">5000000</amount>
    <description>9 Correct Numbers</description>

I try to achieve this with the follow classes:

public class OddsEntryXMLObject {

    private String iKey;

    @Attribute(name="jackpot", required=false)
    private String iJackpot;

    @Attribute(name="type", required=false)
    private String iType;

    private OddsValueXMLObject iOddsValueXMLObject;

public class OddsAmountXMLObject {

    private String iAmount;

    @Attribute(name="stake", required=false)
    private String iStake;

However I get the following exception:

java.lang.RuntimeException: org.simpleframework.xml.core.ValueRequiredException: Unable to satisfy @org.simpleframework.xml.Element(data=false, name=amount, required=true, type=void) on field 'iAmount' private java.lang.String OddsAmountXMLObject.iAmount for class OddsAmountXMLObject at line 1

Anyone know how to parse this?


  • There is no declaration for OddsValueXMLObject class in the code provided. Assuming the declaration is what I think it is, the error message basically means that it expects an amount element inside an amount element, like this:


    Of course, there is nothing like that in the XML you have. You can parse it with this instead:

    public class OddsEntryXMLObject{
        private String key;
        @Attribute(name="jackpot", required=false)
        private String jackpot;
        @Attribute(name="type", required=false)
        private String type;
        private OddsValueXMLObject value;
    public class OddsValueXMLObject{
        private java.util.List<OddsAmountXMLObject> amounts;
        @Element(name="winner", required=false)
        private String winner;
        @Element(name="description", required=false)
        private String description;
    public class OddsAmountXMLObject{
        @Attribute(name="stake", required=false)
        private String stake; 
        private String text;