I have two parts in a part sash, one having a Container Data
value of 500, the other 9500. This is intentional to create a thin part for use as a status window of sorts. Upon application start-up the sash is sized properly, but if the sash divider bar is moved just a pixel, the sash jumps to a default minimum value; this is undesirable. We are using SWT as the renderer and not JavaFX. Embedding the status window in a trim bar is out of the question as the trim bar is used for other things (otherwise I would just do that and forget about resizing it).
Question: is there a way to change this default minimum value or something else I can do to prevent this jumping in sash size?
It looks like the minSashPercent
value in org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.SashLayout
is responsible for this.
There doesn't appear to be a way to set this. So you would have to use a custom renderer extending the SashRenderer
and use a modified version of the SashLayout class.