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R sparse matrix power

I'm using the Matrix package to create a large (~14000x14000) sparse matrix with a lot of zeros. Does anyone know the best way to calculate the power of this matrix?

I tried A_pow2 = A%^%2 but I get the error: Error in A %^% 2 : not a matrix. Here's a simple example that returns the same error:

A = matrix(3,2,2)
A = Matrix(A,sparse=TRUE)
Apow2 = A%^%2


  • (edited thanks to @Roland's comments)

    A custom function might be able to solve your issue. Per documentation of ?expm::`%^%`

    Compute the k-th power of a matrix. Whereas x^k computes element wise powers, x %^% k corresponds to k - 1 matrix multiplications, x %*% x %*% ... %*% x.

    We can write a new infix operator to perform the multiplication k-1 times. Not sure how well it will scale, but it works in smaller examples.

    > library(Matrix)
    > library(expm)
    > A = matrix(3,2,2)
    > B = Matrix(A,sparse=TRUE)
    > # changed lapply to rep list
    > `%^^%` = function(x, k) Reduce(`%*%`, rep(list(x), k))
    > # per Roland for loop approach will be better on memory
    > `%^^%` = function(x, k) {for (i in 1:(k - 1)) x <- x %*% x; x}
    > as.matrix(B%^^%2)
         [,1] [,2]
    [1,]   18   18
    [2,]   18   18
    > A%^%2
         [,1] [,2]
    [1,]   18   18
    [2,]   18   18