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Get raw block with bitcoinj

I'm trying to get the raw blocks with bitcoinj. I use Block.bitcoinSerialize() to get the bytes of each block when it is downloaded, but does not include transactions. How can I get the full raw block?


  • I have found a temporary solution:

    BlockStore blockStore = new MyCustomBlockStore(NETWORK_PARAMETERS);
    blockChain = new BlockChain(NETWORK_PARAMETERS, blockStore);
    PeerGroup peerGroup = new PeerGroup(NETWORK_PARAMETERS, blockChain);
    peerGroup.addPeerDiscovery(new PeerDiscovery() {
        private final PeerDiscovery normalPeerDiscovery = new DnsDiscovery(NETWORK_PARAMETERS);
        public InetSocketAddress[] getPeers(long services, long timeoutValue, TimeUnit timeoutUnit) throws PeerDiscoveryException {
            final List<InetSocketAddress> peers = new LinkedList<InetSocketAddress>();
                peers.addAll(Arrays.asList(normalPeerDiscovery.getPeers(services, timeoutValue, timeoutUnit)));
                InetSocketAddress[] isas = new InetSocketAddress[0];
                return peers.toArray(isas);
        public void shutdown() {
    peerGroup.startBlockChainDownload(new PeerDataEventListener() {
        public void onBlocksDownloaded(Peer peer, Block block, @Nullable FilteredBlock filteredBlock, int i) {
            List<Transaction> transactionsList = block.getTransactions();
            int transactions = transactionsList == null ? 0 : transactionsList.size();
            long height = peer.getBestHeight() - i;
            //If the block contains transactions, it is likely to be complete.
            Log.e(TAG, "Downloaded block " + height + " with " + transactions + " transactions");
        private void blockUpdate(Block fBlock) throws IOException {
            //TODO: Update blockchain database with the full block.
        public void onChainDownloadStarted(Peer peer, int i) {
            Log.i(TAG, "Started to download chain on peer " + peer);
        public List<Message> getData(Peer peer, GetDataMessage getDataMessage) {
            //Log.i(TAG, "getData from " + peer);
            return null;
        public Message onPreMessageReceived(Peer peer, Message message) {
            //Log.i(TAG, "onPreMessageReceived (" + message.getClass().getSimpleName() + ") from " + peer);
            return message;

    In my case, I created a BlockStore that stores the blocks in a SQLite3 database. When I get the complete block, I overwrite the block register with the complete information (transactions, raw block, etc...)