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Eclipse Cpp - What is the difference between C Project, C/C++ Project and C++ Project?

In Eclipse CDT IDE that i downloaded for Linux (because unfortunately Code::Blocks on Linux/Unix doesn't work so well for me) i am given these three options for creating a project. I can understand the difference between a C and a C++ Project of course. But what exactly is the C/C++ Project? Which one should i choose for C++ development? I can't find clear information on this. Thanks in advance.


  • The C/C++ Project is the new wizard to create projects. If you select it, on the next page you will get the choice of C or C++ project:

    enter image description here

    The new wizard has been created to unify all the wizards and make adding new ones nicer and easier. For example, if you have Arduino tools installed then you can create an Ardunio sketch that way.

    If you just want a C or a C++ Project, choosing the C/C++ New Project wizard just means one extra click.