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How to include a literal 'W' in a JavaDoc @since tag date format?

I'm trying to specify an [ISO week date][1] format in my JavaDoc @since tag, which includes a literal 'W' for the week of the year.

Currently, when I use ${currentDate:date('YYYY-w-u Z')}, it formats the date as 2024-36-4 -0400. However, I want the format to include 'W' like this: 2024-W36-4 -0400.

I've tried using 'W', "W", and \W in the date format string, but they either result in an incorrect format or are interpreted incorrectly (e.g., \W becomes \1).

How can I escape the 'W' character so that it is treated as a literal in my date format string within the ${currentDate} function or a similar mechanism?

JavaDoc Example:

 * Description of your class or method.
 * @since 2024-W36-4 -0400
public class MyClass {
    // Code here

Any insights or alternative approaches to achieve the desired date format with the literal 'W' would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

I am using Eclipse. [1]:


  • The Eclipse code template date uses the SimpleDateFormat pattern.

    SimpleDataFormat would require quote characters around the W - so 'W'

    But the code template parser does not support escaping a ' in the middle of a pattern so you can't do this with a single variable.

    You can do it using two variables with the W as plain text between them:

     @since ${part1:date('yyyy-')}W${part2:date('w-u Z')}