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Expectit doesn't find my expected string

I'm trying to use the expectit library with sshj like so:

final Session session = getSharedSession();
final Session.Command sessionCommand = session.exec(command);
try (Expect expect = new ExpectBuilder()
       .withInputs(sessionCommand.getInputStream(), sessionCommand.getErrorStream())
       .withInputFilters(removeColors(), removeNonPrintable())
       .build()) {
    for (SshExpectations sshExpectation : sequence) {

The command I'm executing is "sleep 5; rm -i test.txt", I get the following output:

Jul 26, 2017 6:07:14 PM net.sf.expectit.SingleInputExpect start
FINE: Starting expect thread: input=< ChannelInputStream for Channel #1 >, charset=UTF-8, echoInput=LoggingAppendableAdapter@7a1099d7, filter=net.sf.expectit.filter.Filters$3@3afe1f22, bufferSize=1024
Jul 26, 2017 6:07:14 PM net.sf.expectit.SingleInputExpect start
FINE: Starting expect thread: input=< ChannelInputStream for Channel #1 >, charset=UTF-8, echoInput=LoggingAppendableAdapter@7a1099d7, filter=net.sf.expectit.filter.Filters$3@3afe1f22, bufferSize=1024
Jul 26, 2017 6:07:14 PM net.sf.expectit.ExpectImpl expectIn
FINE: Expect matcher 'contains('remove regular empty')' with timeout 30000 (ms) in input #0
Jul 26, 2017 6:07:14 PM net.sf.expectit.SingleInputExpect expect
FINE: Initial matcher contains('remove regular empty') result: SimpleResult{succeeded=false, before='null', group='null', input='', canStopMatching=false}
2017-07-26 18:07:19,574 INFO [expect-pool-26-thread-2] LoggingAppendableAdapter rm: remove regular empty file ‘test’? 
Jul 26, 2017 6:07:19 PM net.sf.expectit.InputStreamCopier call
FINE: Received from < ChannelInputStream for Channel #1 >: rm: remove regular empty file ‘test’? 
Jul 26, 2017 6:07:44 PM net.sf.expectit.SingleInputExpect expect
FINE: Selector returns 0 key
Jul 26, 2017 6:07:44 PM net.sf.expectit.SingleInputExpect stop
FINE: Releasing resources for input: < ChannelInputStream for Channel #1 >
Jul 26, 2017 6:07:44 PM net.sf.expectit.SingleInputExpect stop
FINE: Releasing resources for input: < ChannelInputStream for Channel #1 >
2017-07-26 18:07:46,800 ERROR Could not execute command
net.sf.expectit.ExpectIOException: Expect operation fails (timeout: 30000 ms) for matcher: contains('remove regular empty')
    at net.sf.expectit.ExpectImpl.expectIn(
    at net.sf.expectit.AbstractExpectImpl.expectIn(
    at net.sf.expectit.AbstractExpectImpl.expect(

One would think that everything should work fine as both the LoggingAppendableAdapter as well as the internal logging report the string "rm: remove regular empty file ‘test’?".

Any suggestions on what I might doing wrong?


  • The issue is that rm -i test.txtwrites its question to stderr instead of stdout, but expectit by default only checks the first input stream (which in my case was the stdout stream).

    By using

    expect.expectIn(1, contains(sshExpectation.getExpectation()));

    expectit then expects the string to be on the second given input stream, which in my case is stderr.