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Dapper not returning selected/desired rows

I am a newbie with Dapper and I copied this SQL Script(from a test that I was doing with Entity Framework) and tried to return a List of theses rows, but its returning the entire Class and not just the ones that I want!

using (IDbConnection connection = new SqlConnection(@"Data Source=DESKTOP-CD2UQI5\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=ServerContext;Integrated Security=True"))
            var res = connection.Query<Table>("select Images,AddressFrom, from Table where = 1").ToList();
            response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, res);

Please help.


  • Dapper doesn't do any processing of your SQL (well, it does in some very very limited scenarios). So: whatever is being returned is because of your query - it isn't changing the query to remove the where clause, and it isn't inventing data.

    If you mean it is returning more columns than you expect, then again: check your query. The one shown in the question isn't valid (trailing comma in the select), so I can't really comment based on the question. Check for a rogue *.

    So: take you query, and try running it SSMS or another SQL tool; see which rows and columns come back.

    If is a unique / primary / identity / etc, then yes it seems odd to get more than one, but: I can't tell what is going on from here, except: dapper is simply running your query.

    Minor points:

    • AsList() would be preferable to ToList()
    • if you expect exactly one or at most one result, there are methods to do that more efficiently - QuerySingle etc
    • if the id isn't fixed, you probably want to use a parameter, for example:

      int id = ...
      var res = connection.Query<Table>(
          "select Images,AddressFrom, from Table where = @id", new { id }