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Bind a record in Treelist

I'm facing issue in binding single row to the treelist. In my application I have a two forms. first form contains treelist it will contain list of rows.

I need a selected row from the list. Using

public object selectedRow
return treelist.GetDataRecordByNode(treelist.FocusedNode)

using this code I get the selected row.

In second Form, I'm trying to bind that row.

public void row(selectedRow)
treelist2.DataSource=selectedRow; //I get the row value here.

But data not able to shown in second treelist. what step I need to do to bind a selectedrow to second treelist.


  • the DataSource should be an IEnumerable-type. try something like this (pseudo-code ahead):

    public void row(selectedRow)
          List<yourType> list = new List<yourType>();