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Make Editor Not-Closeable

I have a standard E3 editor in the current E4 world:

public class ProjectEditor extends EditorPart {
     // implement

Registered like that:

<extension point="org.eclipse.ui.editors">
        name="%view.project" >

I want that editor to be always open. But a parameter like for the views is missing in the extension point.

Also, for views this would work:

public class ProjectPerspective implements IPerspectiveFactory {

    public void createInitialLayout(IPageLayout layout) {
        final IViewLayout projectLayout = layout.getViewLayout(ProjectEditor.ID);

But of course not for editors. Since both editors and view are technically the same thing (workbench parts), it should be possible.

How do I prevent the user from closing my editor?


  • You can remove the close 'X' on the editor tab by clearing the MPart closeable flag. You could do this in the editor's init method:

    public void init(IEditorSite site, IEditorInput editorInput) throws PartInitException
      super.init(site, editorInput);
      MPart part = getSite().getService(MPart.class);

    But the 'File > Close' action will still be able to close the editor as it doesn't check the closeable flag and has no concept of un-closeable editors.