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ng-click function in angularjs factory

I would like to change a variable in a angularjs (1.x) factory with a click event. After that the pause button should appear. Could you please help me:

The link with ng-click:

<li ng-click='navPlayMusic()'>
  <a class="glyphicon glyphicon-play music-control"></a>
<li ng-show="musicControl.playTitle === true" ng-click='navPauseMusic()'>
  <a class="glyphicon glyphicon-pause music-control"></a>


The controller:

music.controller('musicController', function($scope, $rootScope, $location, musicControl) {
  $scope.musicControl = musicControl;
  $scope.navPlayMusic = function() {

The factory:

music.factory('musicControl', function () {
return {
  playTitle: false,
this.playMusic = function() {
  return {
    playTitle: true


  • You can try this


        music.factory('musicControl', function() {
            var _flags = {  //Note: we intentionally declare properties here for easy to track how many flag we have in factory (optional)
                playTitle: false 
            return {
                flags: _flags,
                playMusic: playMusic
            function playMusic(dummyParam) {
                //handle play music logic
                //dummyParam will be 5 if called from HTML.
                //after done, enable the flag
                _flags.playTitle = true;


        music.controller('musicController', function($scope, $rootScope, $location, musicControl) {
            $scope.musicFlags = musicControl.flags;   //map only property that we need to use. More than that is just make code hard to understand
            $scope.navPlayMusic = musicControl.playMusic; //just need to map function


        <li ng-click='navPlayMusic()'>
            <a class="glyphicon glyphicon-play music-control"></a>
        <li ng-show="musicFlags.playTitle === true" ng-click='navPauseMusic(5)'>
            <a class="glyphicon glyphicon-pause music-control"></a>