I have a readonly property:
public CollectionView View { get; }
and I am trying to initialize it from the class constructor:
public MyClass()
this.View = ......
But the error described in the title is appearing. I am using NET 3.5 on Visual Studio 2008. I remember that in later versions of .NET and Visual Studio a readonly property could be initialized/assigned only from the constructor. Is it not possible in .NET 3.5? If not, how can I do this in .NET 3.5? I mean, I want a readonly property and only be assigned once in the constructor.
In C# 3.0 they didn't add special handling for read-only autoproperties so you must do it the old way:
public class MyClass {
private readonly CollectionView _View;
public CollectionView View { get { return _View; } }
public MyClass() {
this._View = ...;