I am new to microservices, but I'd like to know what the best way to handle communication is. I've looked into some solutions, but like to know your opinion what todo : My microservices are hosted on azure atm and I call them with REST services,
I want that the services cannot be called from anybody except from other services as I have a facade API for external apps.
I've looked into Servicebus, Eventhubs, REST , WCF, SQL with RabbitMQ, but I have no idea what is the fastest messaging service.
I prefer speed and stability over everything ,high complexityis not a problem.
Does anybody have advice on this?
Thank you in advance
I'd suggest RabbitMQ, it's easy to get started in C#, you can use the MQTT protocol or AMQP.
If you decide to use a different broker this is quite easy to update, minimal code changes are generally needed.
Both give you a lot of functionality without a lot of code.
It's possible to test clients with various online brokers, though I wouldn't use them necessarily for production.
For C# clients have a look at