How can I read a csv file which has duplicate column names by using BeanParser.
Below is the example header
Col desc, Col amount, Col desc, Col amount
test, 12.44, test2, 43.44
You can set the header names manually:
public class MyClass {
@Parsed(field = "amount1")
private BigDecimal amount1;
@Parsed(field = "amount2")
private BigDecimal amount2;
@Parsed(field = "description1")
private String description1;
@Parsed(field = "description2")
private BigDecimal description2;
CsvParserSettings parserSettings = new CsvParserSettings();
parserSettings.setHeaderExtractionEnabled(true); //to read your input headers with duplicates.
parserSettings.setHeaders("description1", "amount1, "description2", "amount2"); //to override the headers in the input with the names you want to work with
Then parse:
List<MyClass> myList = new CsvRoutines(parserSettings).parseAll(MyClass.class, <input>);
You can also use the field index instead of the field names in the annotations, so you don't need to worry about header names.
Hope this helps