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Redmine plugin that replaces words via regular expression?

I'm very new to Redmine/Ruby trying to achieve a simple plugin that takes the current wiki page content and matches/replaces everytime a word occurs via regular expression. How can I do this?




  • The word replacement can de done by using gsub() with \b to match a word boundary:

    irb(main):001:0> 'foo bar baz foo bar'.gsub /\bfoo\b/, 'replaced'
    => "replaced bar baz replaced bar"

    Here is a more complete solution with a dictionary of words to replace:

    repl = {'foo'=>'apple', 'baz'=>'banana'}
    s = 'foo bar baz foo bar'
    for from, to in repl:
         s = s.gsub /\b#{from}\b/, to

    Result: apple bar banana apple bar