In Silverlight (and other XAML based technologies) there is a method called GetBindingExpression which allows us to check what binding there is on a given dependency property. The method is on FrameworkElement so every single control gives us access to the binding expression.
For example:
var selectedItemBindingExpression = GetBindingExpression(SelectedItemProperty);
But, there doesn't seem to be an equivalent in Xamarin Forms. Is there a way to get a binding expression from a BindableProperty property in Xamarin Forms?
I don't believe there are any public APIs available in Xamarin.Forms
to access to the BindingExpression
- but you can use reflection to access the associated Binding
and thus the BindingExpression
public static class BindingObjectExtensions
public static Binding GetBinding(this BindableObject self, BindableProperty property)
var methodInfo = typeof(BindableObject).GetTypeInfo().GetDeclaredMethod("GetContext");
var context = methodInfo?.Invoke(self, new[] { property });
var propertyInfo = context?.GetType().GetTypeInfo().GetDeclaredField("Binding");
return propertyInfo?.GetValue(context) as Binding;
public static object GetBindingExpression(this Binding self)
var fieldInfo = self?.GetType().GetTypeInfo().GetDeclaredField("_expression");
return fieldInfo?.GetValue(self);
Sample usage - Get binding-expression
var expr = this.GetBinding(TextProperty).GetBindingExpression();
Sample usage - Get binding path (update 07/27)
//to access path - you can directly use the binding object
var binding = this.GetBinding(TextProperty);
var path = binding?.Path;