I'm using ObjectMapper to map my JSON to Swift object.
I have the following Swift object:
class User: Mappable {
var name: String?
var val: Int?
required init?(map: Map) { }
func mapping(map: Map) {
name <- map["name"]
val <- map["userId"]
I have this JSON structure:
"name": "first",
"userId": "1" // here is `String` type.
"name": "second",
"userId": 1 // here is `Int` type.
After mapping the JSON, the userId
of User
which name
is "first"
is null.
How can I map Int/String
to Int
After reading the code of ObjectMapper, I found an easier way to solve the problem, it's to custom the transform.
public class IntTransform: TransformType {
public typealias Object = Int
public typealias JSON = Any?
public init() {}
public func transformFromJSON(_ value: Any?) -> Int? {
var result: Int?
guard let json = value else {
return result
if json is Int {
result = (json as! Int)
if json is String {
result = Int(json as! String)
return result
public func transformToJSON(_ value: Int?) -> Any?? {
guard let object = value else {
return nil
return String(object)
then, use the custom transform to the mapping
class User: Mappable {
var name: String?
var userId: Int?
required init?(map: Map) { }
func mapping(map: Map) {
name <- map["name"]
userId <- (map["userId"], IntTransform()) // here use the custom transform.
Hope it can help others who have the same problem. :)