I have using Phap 2 pro for my graduation project. The project theme is 3D object recognition using Google Tango. So, I run the area learning in Project Tango SDK's example! I need the area learning data! However, I can't find it.
Where is the learning data stored?
I can't find where ADF is stored from Google's document. I think there is no specific path to ADF.
But we can export ADF to any path by using areaDescription.ExportToFile(string filePath)
How to use :
AreaDescription m_areaDescription = AreaDescription.ForUUID(string UUID);
UUID is an unique ID allocated to each ADF. In your picture, small size string like "7ad2e08e-..." is the UUID.
ADF is a binary file. So you can't use this outside a Tango application. If you want a captured mesh data, maybe ExperimentalMeshBuilderWithColor scene can be helpful.
good luck!