I've this piece of code:
using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter("C:\\Users\\HP8200\\Desktop\\teste.txt"))
string numcont = _transaction.PartyFederalTaxID;
double numenc = _transaction.BillToPartyID;
double numfatura = _transaction.BillToPartyID;
string zona = _transaction.BillToPartyCountryID;
DateTime data = _transaction.CreateDate;
string ean = _transaction.ATDocCodeId;
double iva = _transaction.TotalTaxAmount;
double precoantesdisc = _transaction.TotalLineItemDiscountAmount;
double preconet = _transaction.TotalNetAmount;
writer.WriteLine(numcont,";", numenc,";", numfatura,";", data,";", zona, Environment.NewLine ,
ean,";", iva,";", precoantesdisc,";", preconet);
And it should save all those variables into the textfile I say but it only writes the first variable(numcont). What I need to do so it writes all the variables I need on that textfile? Feel free to ask for more code.
You need to format the string:
writer.WriteLine(string.Format("{0};{1};{2};{3};{4}{5}{6};{7};{8};{9}",numcont, numenc, numfatura, data.ToString(), zona, Environment.NewLine, ean, iva, precoantesdisc, preconet));
If you can use C# 6 syntax:
Use only day, month and year:
The patter "yyyMMdd" can be arranged as you want. For example "dd.MM.yyyy"