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How to spy on static generator functions?

I have an utility function that exposes a generator:

export class Utility {
    // provides a generator that streams 2^n binary combinations for n variables
    public static *binaryCombinationGenerator(numVars: number): IterableIterator<boolean[]> {
        for (let i = 0; i < Math.pow(2, numVars); i++) {
            const c = [];
           //fill up c
            yield c;

Now, I am using this generator in my code as follows:

    const n = numberOfVariables(input);
    const binaryCombinations = Utility.binaryCombinationGenerator(n);
    let combination: boolean[] =;
    while (till termination condition is met) {
      // do something and check whether termination condition is met         
      combination =;

In my unit tests (using Jasmine) I want to verify how many times the generator function is invoked (i.e. how many combinations are generated) before the termination. Below is what I have tried:

it("My spec", () => {
    const generatorSpy = spyOn(Utility, "binaryCombinationGenerator").and.callThrough();
    expect(generatorSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(16); // fails with: Expected spy binaryCombinationGenerator to have been called 16 times. It was called 1 times.

However, this assertion fails as binaryCombinationGenerator is indeed called once. What I actually want to spy on is the next method of IterableIterator.

However, I am not sure how to do that. Please suggest.


  • I am posting this as an answer as this is what I have done to mock the generator function. This is based on @0mpurdy's answer.

    To mock the generator function, we actually need to call a fake function, which will provide different (and limited, if applicable) values for each call of next() of the generator function.

    This can be simply achieved by the following:

    const streamSpy= jasmine.createSpyObj("myGenerator", ["next", "counter"]);
    streamSpy.counter = 0;
    const values = [{ value: here }, { value: goes }, { value: your }, { value: limited }, 
                    { value: values }]; // devise something else if it is an infinite stream
    // call fake function each time for next => {
        if (streamSpy.counter < values.length) {
            return values[streamSpy.counter - 1];
        return { value: undefined }; // EOS
    spyOn(Utility, "myGenerator").and.returnValue(streamSpy);