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jodd HttpRequest form set content-type invalid

HttpRequest set form content-type invalid

public void getImgCode() {
    Map<String, Object> param = new HashMap<>();
    param.put("userId", "11111");
    HttpRequest request = + "openapi/api/v2/getCode")


    HttpResponse response = request.send();

but print content-type = application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8

if use httpQequest.query(param) so No problem,but query only Support String.


  • Short answer: if you use form() you can not change the content type and the content length of your request. It is a special method for sending parameters encoded as multipart or url-encoded way in the body. This is simply the specification of HTTP :) By changing the content type your server will get the request that is not correct: it would expect json body, and not form parameters.

    You can solve this issue in two ways:

    1. Either encode your input to JSON and set it as bodyText() and use application/json content-type; or
    2. don't try to change the content-type and use form.

    It would be helpful if you can explain why do you need to change default value for content-type to JSON when no json is involved in this request?