I am using following code in my HTML.
<uc1:BaseIntelliSenseControl ID="SmartPhrasesIntellisence" runat="server"
ContextKey="0" ServiceMethod="GetSmartPhrases_Intellisence" ServicePath="~/patient/clinical/case/soap/smartphrases/lstSmartPhrases.aspx"
Width="100%" OnClientItemSelected="selected_Item" OnClientPopulated="clientPopulated" hint="Search Smart Phrases ..." />
I want to send a parameter which I have set in jquery ready function like this
Service method is as follows
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public static string[] GetSmartPhrases_Intellisence(string prefixText, int count, string contextKey)
Is there any way I can pass another parameter or send set Context Key through jquery/javascript method?
I tried to do the following in jquery ready function
var listObject = $find('autocompleteEx1');
But it did not work. Any help will be most appreciated.
I have just discovered the solution to my problem. Here is the following code I did to update context key through jquery.
var listObject = $find('<%=SmartPhrasesIntellisence.ControlID %>');
Here "SmartPhrasesIntellisence" is the id of user control that I set. It first finds it and use set_contextKey method. Previously I was using wrong id due to which I was facing problems.
Happy Coding!