I've made an app that at the start is receiving from a TCP Server to a TCP Client number of cash registers conected to the network, after i open another activity called "help
" my TCP Server is receiving other data from the Server like the device ID and amount of receipts got in it.
For now when i open the help activity app will load number of recyclerView
that equals to the number of cash registers sent by the Server and it apply to ALL the recyclerViews
same amount of receipts and the ID, now what i have to do it's to assign the data to single recyclerView
App is starting, Server is sending number of 5 devices, i'm opening the help activity and asking again for data from the Server, the server is sending 0#17#190 (0 staying for cash register active 17 for receipts and 190 for money in it ) and i have to apply this to just 1ST recyclerView in the list and ask the Server again for the data of the 2nd..3rd... cash registers.
public static class ConnectTask extends AsyncTask<String, String, Client> {
protected Client doInBackground(String... message) {
client = new Client(new Client.OnMessageReceived() {
public void messageReceived(String message) {
return null;
protected void onProgressUpdate(String... values) {
SelfNumber = values[0];
StringTokenizer stringTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(String.valueOf(values[0]),"#");
status = stringTokenizer.nextToken();
receipt = stringTokenizer.nextToken();
eur = stringTokenizer.nextToken();
for(int i=0; i< Integer.valueOf(SelfNumber); i++){
help.adapter = new SelfAdapter(("CASSA SELF N°" + Integer.toString(i+1)),"EUR: " + eur,"SC: " + receipt,help.img);
While in help activity i just recall Client connection with:
If someone need more code i'll be able to post more.
please check the sample example for recyclerview here https://www.simplifiedcoding.net/android-recyclerview-and-cardview-tutorial/