Is it possible to have user code executed between a promise resolution and a promise await return?
function a () {
return new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(() => {
// Between here...
}, 1000))
async function b () {
await a()
// ...and here ?
Does the specification enforces that Promise callbacks are called immediatly? I wonder if an event could be handled by the virtual machine between the 2 points, possibly causing side-effects.
No, it doesn't enforce immediate calling. The spec runs through a number of steps upon resolving a promise, one of which is:
- Perform EnqueueJob ("PromiseJobs", PromiseResolveThenableJob, «promise, resolution, thenAction»)
Note that depending on the state of the promise, different routes can be taken. However, they all end at EnqueueJob, which says:
- Add pending at the back of the Job Queue named by queueName.
So any further executions are deferred to the end of the job queue.