I have obtained a CDI bean which was obtained programatically using the following code:
MyBean bean = CDI.current().select(MyBean.class, qualifier).get();
Once I am done, do I need to destroy this bean using
CDI.current().destroy (bean);
Or does the bean inherit the scope from my class?
Or does the bean inherit the scope from my class?
Definitely no. It will have whatever scope you gave to MyBean
do I need to destroy this bean
If your bean is normal scoped you don't need to do that. If, however, it is so called pseudo-scope, you might need to destroy it.
For the record, normal scoped are all basic CDI scopes except for @Dependent
The reason is that @Dependent
lifecycle (so destroy as well) is bound to a bean where you inject it. But you didn't really inject it, instead you did programmatic lookup. Therefore, it isn't bound to any other bean and you should destroy it.