I am developing an Eclipse plug-in that programmatically modifies C++ files from the workspace. I am now trying to save the changes made. I have taken a look at this solution : How can I call save method in eclipse plugin development programmatically but this includes having the files I want to save open in the editor. Since I have 5k+ files to modify and save, I cannot afford to open them all in an editor before saving.
While looking for a solution I found this topic on the official Eclipse forum : https://www.eclipse.org/forums/index.php/t/1070377/ . Unfortunately, no answer has been provided.
I have tried using :
PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getService(IHandlerService.class).executeCommand("org.eclipse.ui.file.saveAll", event)
IWorkspace.save(boolean, IProgressMonitor)
ITranslationUnit.save(IProgressMonitor, boolean)
ICProject.save(IProgressMonitor, boolean)
but none of these solution worked. My question is therefore :
How to save files programmatically in Eclipse without using an editor ?
Thanks a lot in advance
example of what I'm trying to achieve
deleteAndSave(IFunction functionToDelete) {
boolean forceDeletion = true;
IProgressMonitor progressMonitor = new NullProgressMonitor();
//delete the portion of code
functionToDelete.delete(forceDeletion, progressMonitor);
//we get the file containing the function
IFile file = (IFile) functionToDelete.getUnderlyingResource();
//save the file to the disk (ideally 'file.save()' ?)
file.getWorkspace().save(true, progressMonitor);
At the end of this execution, I would expect the new version of the file to be saved on the disk. The function is correctly deleted and the modifications appear in the IDE if I open the file in the editor, but the file is marked as unsaved by Eclipse (showing a star before the file name).
While this doesn't answer the question (without using an editor), I got the correct behaviour with :
deleteAndSave(IFunction functionToDelete) {
IProgressMonitor progressMonitor = new NullProgressMonitor();
IWorkbenchPage activePage = PlatformUI
functionToDelete.delete(true, progressMonitor);
IFile file = (IFile) functionToDelete.getUnderlyingResource();
IEditorPart editorPart = IDE.openEditor(activePage, file);
activePage.closeEditor(editorPart, false);
However this opens an editor page for each file and closes it immediately, so the performance are not satisfying for a large volume of files.
It sounds like the problem might be that your operation is modifying the working copy of a file, and not the underlying file itself.
Changes to the working copy can be synced to the underlying file by calling IWorkingCopy.commit()
Does the following help?
functionToDelete.delete(forceDeletion, progressMonitor);
ITranslationUnit tu = functionToDelete.getTranslationUnit();
if (tu.isWorkingCopy()) {
boolean forceCommit = true;
((IWorkingCopy) tu).commit(forceCommit, progressMonitor);