A quick question regarding Managed Objects.
I created an Array with Managed Objects (in Object 1: TableViewConbtroller), and pass one of those objects to another class/object (object 2: TableCell).
The original array should still be retained in the original caller class. Then Object 2 is released, does that mean that that particular item in the array is released as well, as the reference to it in Object 2 was released?
I am trying to better understand how to work with ManagedObjects as I get 'Object was released' errors.
[EDIT] After some experimenting I came across the following scenario: I have the main AppDelegate. In a different class I create an AppDelegate to obtain the ManagedObjectContext.
appDelegate = (iDomsAppDelegate *)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate];
[self setContext:[appDelegate managedObjectContext]];
When the class is finished, and I release it, the variable in the class 'appDelegate' is also released. But then the ManagedObjectContext is closed, and obvious any future attempt to use it will cause a crash. So should I leave the appDelegate unreleased?
This comes to the same question as the above about when and how to release in those situations where an objects is used from another class. I think a way of putting it is, how to know when you own an object and when not.
The UIApplication retains your app delegate, so releasing it in your view controller's dealloc method will not deallocate the app delegate.