Upnp looks harder to work with in TabrisJs.
It supports node packages to a large extent, but I am finding a tough time working with Upnp.
In package.json I got node-upnp-client
"dependencies": {
"tabris": "^2.0.0-rc2",
"moment": "~2.8.4",
"moment-timezone": "~0.2.5",
"android-versions": "1.1.0",
"node-mind": "1.0.1",
"node-ssdp": "3.2.1",
"node-upnp-client" : "0.0.2",
"node-ssdp-lite": "0.2.0"
In app js I have initialized it as
const upnpClient = require('node-upnp-client');
const cli = new upnpClient();
I am getting
Could not load main module:
Reference error: process is not defined
Now its pointing to this line first var path = process.env.SSDP_COV ? './lib-cov/' : './lib/'
, in node-ssdp/index.js
, ^
I dont know why but it works perfectly in the CLI but not in the app.
Requiring node-ssdp
alone says it can't load dgram
, even though it is part of Node
And I am not sure if the dgram
package is available separately.
How to rectify these error and get Upnp support in tabrisJs?
Tabris.js uses a Node.js compatible module system to allow using modules hosted on npm in your app. However, it does not implement most of the Node.js APIs.
Some basic APIs like Timer and Console are available. In addition to that, a small subset of the Node APIs is supported by the tabris-js-node module. Unfortunately, the network APIs of Node.js (dgram is one of them) are not implemented in Tabris.js.
This rules out npm plugins that build on these APIs. You'd have to implement this functionality on top of Tabris APIs such as fetch
or websockets