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How to use multiple wordpress websites in wamp?

I installed Wamp and already developing a Wordpress site in localhost.But i want to setup another Wordpress site in Wamp server localhost.I searched for solutions for this,but remains unsolved because solutions posted by them are old and outdated and some solutions i tried gives me errors.

I am using Wamp 3.0.6(current latest version) and Wordpress 4.8(current latest version) on Windows 10.

I created my first site and named it 'mysite' and is situated in C:\wamp\www\mysite.How can i create another site calling it 'mysite1' in Wamp server?Also what about MySql database setup for the new site(mysite1).I use database named 'sitedata' for my first site(mysite).Should i use same database(sitedata) or can i create new database for 'mysite1'?

I access Wordpress site on Wamp by going to http://localhost/mysite/ in Chrome.


  • just create another folder in wamp - install your new wordpress there.

    So go to your files C:\wamp\www\ - create C:\wamp\www\mysite2

    put the installer there.

    go into your phpmyadmin and create a new database.

    access your new site/folder and follow the installers instructions.

    you will nowhave two different sites, with two different databases.