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Wordpress API JSON return limit

This is a simple question regarding Wordpress API /wp-json. I am querying some data filtered with certain category in Wordpress. My questions is how can I control amount of result that gets returned from my Get request... The default returns seems to return around 11 most recent results. Is there any way I can make it return only 1 (most recent), or like 100 posts. What is the minimum and maximum amount I can return. And what is the syntax for it. This is the default request I have:[category_name]=Some Category Name I want to query&filter[order]=ASC


  • If you're using v2 of the WordPress REST API, it looks like the current method of controlling the number of results returned is:

    Replace 100 with the desired count.

    If you're using a custom post type, replace posts with the custom post type. Also make sure to set 'show_in_rest' => true when configuring the custom post type.