I have looked on several different threads on how to dismiss a DialogFragment but nothing seems to work for me. I want to be able to close the DialogFragment when I switch to a new Activity from the click event that I have. I tried by using something like this.Activity.Dismiss()
from the click event but also tried this from where I show the DialogFragment:
if (_exportFragment != null)
But none of these seem to work.
This is where I display the DialogFragment:
gridview.ItemClick += delegate (object sender, AdapterView.ItemClickEventArgs args)
FragmentTransaction ft = FragmentManager.BeginTransaction();
//Remove fragment else it will crash as it is already added to backstack
Fragment prev = FragmentManager.FindFragmentByTag("dialog");
if (prev != null)
// Create and show the dialog.
_exportFragment = new VideoExportDialogFragment();
_exportFragment.VideoCreationDate = VideoList[args.Position].CreationDate;
_exportFragment.VideoPathFragment = VideoListPosition(args.Position);
//_exportFragment.ThumbnailActivity = this;
//Add fragment
_exportFragment.Show(ft, "dialog");
private void dismissLoader()
if (_exportFragment != null)
I want to be able to close the DialogFragment when I switch to a new Activity from the click event that I have.
In this click event, you could find the dialogFragment
that you want to close by using FindFragmentByTag("dialog")
method, then you could use _exportFragment.Dismiss()
to dismiss this DialogFragment
. Code like this :
bt.Click += (sender, e) =>
MyDialogFragment _exportFragment = (MyDialogFragment)FragmentManager.FindFragmentByTag("dialog");
if (_exportFragment != null)