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What's the calculation order of the equation "i++ + ++i" in Java?

Consider the snippet:

int a = 1, b = 1, c = 1;
System.out.println(a + ++a);
System.out.println(b++ + ++b);
System.out.println(c++ + c);

The output is:


This is what I think is happening, but the output doesn't match up:

1. ++a -> +a -> 4 = 2 + 2
2. ++b -> +b -> 4 = 2 + 2
3. c -> +c -> 2 = 1 + 1


  • Unary post and pre-increment have higher precedence than addition:

    1. b = 1, b is initialized to 1.
    2. b++, b's current value in the equation is 1, then b is incremented.
    3. ++b, b was incremented due to post-increment, so it's 2. Now it's incremented again due to pre-increment and its value in the equation is 3.
    4. 1 + 3 is 4.

    The thing is, pre-increment increments the variable, then returns it thus in ++1, the value is incremented, then that is returned, and evaluates to 2. With post-increment, the variable value is returned, then incremented. Thus 1++ will evaluate to 1, then increment to 2 on later reference. So:

    1. b++ + ++b
      post-increment, evaluates to 1
    2. 1 + ++b
          pre-increment, due to post-increment is 2, then pre-increments and evaluates to 3
    3. 1 + 3
      evaluates to 4

    This applies to the first and third examples too. For a + ++a, ++a has higher precedence. First, a is evaluated, which is 1 at this point, then ++a is evaluated as it has higher precedence, where a is incremented, then the value returns and evaluates to 2. Then, addition is evaluated, which looks like this:

    1. a + ++a
      nothing, evaluates to 1
    2. 1 + ++a
          pre-increment, evaluates to 2
    3. 1 + 2
      evaluates to 3

    In the third example, c++ + c, c is post-incremented so it evaluates to 1, then increments. The last c is then 2 and looks like this:

    1. c++ + c
      post-increment, evaluates to 1
    2. 1 + c
          nothing, due to post-increment is 2 and evaluates to 2
    3. 1 + 2
      evaluates to 3

    Thus the output:


    It should be noted that precedence does not dictate evaluation order. Precedence only changes parenthesization of an expression. Evaluation order in Java is always left to right as ajb comments, unlike C/C++, see JLS 15.7.