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extjs - How to set Ext.Img's data by a part of response?

Ext.Img provides a method named setSrc to set URL of an image. In order to prevent another call to the server when the image is a part of form data, I need to set the image through the response data.


  • As @Alexander suggested, you can call setSrc with a data URL. When the server request returned the image data encoded as base64 you can add it to the image without a server request.

    // An empty image added to the HTML body
    var img = Ext.create({
        xtype: 'img',
        renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
        height: 64,
        width: 64
    // later when you fetched the data you can add it to the image
    var imgBase64EncodedData = '...';

    See Data URIs - Mozilla Developer and the Sencha Fiddle.