I am a relatively new to ReactJs or UI coding, in general. Have spent the entire day trying to debug this problem, to no avail. I have a single entry point in my ReactJs app - app.js
var React = require("react");
var ReactDOM = require("react-dom");
import Main from "./components/Main";
import Bucket from "./components/Bucket";
import Relay from "react-relay";
ReactDOM.render(<Main />,document.getElementById('react'));
ReactDOM.render(<Bucket />,document.getElementById('react-bucket'));
console.log(Relay.QL`query Test {ServerGroups {_id}}`);
I am trying to render 2 components here in a single page here :
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<script src="react-0.14.3.min.js"></script>
<script src="react-dom-0.14.3.min.js"></script>
<div id="react"></div>
<div id="react-bucket"></div>
<script src="bundle.js"></script>
The first component 'react' renders just fine. But the 2nd one 'react-bucket', which uses the same exact logic with similar data, does not render at all. Webpack throws the following error :
Module build failed: SyntaxError: Unexpected token, expected
against the {justBucketDOMElement} - pointing at the "{"
Below is the code for the react component
var justBucketDOMElement = oneAppBucket.buckets.map(function(bucketInfo){
<td key={bucketInfo.bucket_name}>{bucketInfo.bucket_name}</td>
<td key={bucketInfo.bucket_name}>{bucketInfo.evictionPolicy}</td>
<td key={bucketInfo.RAMQuota}>{bucketInfo.RAMQuota}</td>
<td key={bucketInfo.ReplicaNumber}>{bucketInfo.ReplicaNumber}</td>
<td key={bucketInfo.ServerList[0]}>{bucketInfo.ServerList.join(",")}</td>
<tr><td key={oneAppBucket.app_name}>{oneAppBucket.app_name}</td></tr>
{justBucketDOMElement} **// this is where the error happens**
The data coming back is like the below :
"BucketList": [
"app_name": "gem",
"buckets": [
"evictionPolicy": "valueOnly",
"RAMQuota": 3,
"ReplicaNumber": 1,
"ServerList": [
"bucket_name": "config"
"evictionPolicy": "valueOnly",
"RAMQuota": 3,
"ReplicaNumber": 1,
"ServerList": [
"bucket_name": "failed_events"
"evictionPolicy": "valueOnly",
"RAMQuota": 6,
"ReplicaNumber": 1,
"ServerList": [
"bucket_name": "events"
Thanks so much for helping out. Really been stumped with this one.
The thing is, return
be should returning one object, you can try wrapping them with a div
<tr><td key={oneAppBucket.app_name}>{oneAppBucket.app_name}</td></tr>
{justBucketDOMElement} **// this is where the error happens**