I have an example .docx
template with text plus placeholder keys as shown below:
I ${Full_Name_n} accept terms and condition stated in ${Signed_Doc_n} and is liable for ...
Is there an elegant approach from docx4j camp that can generate 1 .docx for n number of individuals using the above text block ?
I have a POI class that does this my merging n number of .docx into 1 which is very dirty and not acceptable performance-wise.
P.S. Template text will have paragraphs and paragraphs suspended into tables. Images will not be involved.
For example here is my template saved in 1 word file:
I ${Full_Name_n} accept terms and condition stated in ${Signed_Doc_n} ...
And this is what I expect to be the output, that is several entries in 1 word file:
I Bill smth accept terms and condition stated in article 10 ...
I John smth accept terms and condition stated in article 21 ...
I Sterling smth accept terms and condition stated in article 11 ...
I Joshua smth accept terms and condition stated in article 13 ...
Although Mail Merge as recommeded by Jason is the only clean solution in Java, my approach was POI/docx4j-less PLSQL.
Dirty but stupidly easy for not so complex .docx reports.
As I am using PLSQL on weblogic server, my approach was just directly for looping HTML + text from few tables into JSP, before setting content type to docx.
I will leave this here for record.