I am downloading a dmg file and then trying to open up the installer automatically through java code.
I am able to download the file and then mount it using "hdiutil attach file.dmg".
Download file using URL , Input stream and Output stream
Mount dmg by: /usr/bin/hdiutil attach file.dmg
I am unable to open up this mounted disk so that the installer comes on foreground. Any thoughts on how this can be done?
Harsha P
execute open /Volumes/VolumeName
and it'll open the finder folder for it
or run an applescript using osascript
to bring the finder to foreground explicitly if needed:
property the_path : "/Volumes/MyMacDrive/Mani/WorkSpace/"
set the_folder to (POSIX file the_path) as alias
tell application "Finder"
if window 1 exists then
set target of window 1 to the_folder
reveal the_folder
end if
end tell