I am using fuseki embeded from a Java application :
Dataset ds = DatasetFactory.createTxnMem() ;
FusekiEmbeddedServer server = FusekiEmbeddedServer.create()
.add("/ds", ds, true)
.build() ;
server.start() ;
The query endpoint is working fine and I can execute SELECT requests. However, when I want to insert values it does return a 204 HTTP code but no data is added to the graph. Here is what I did :
PREFIX dc: <http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/>INSERT DATA{ <http://example/book3> dc:title "A new book"}
<Response [204]>
then I select everything to see if it worked :
and I get
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<sparql xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/sparql-results#">
<variable name="s"/>
<variable name="q"/>
<variable name="o"/>
On the client side I have a basic python script :
port = 3333
test_add = 'PREFIX dc: <http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/>INSERT DATA{ <http://example/book3> dc:title "A new book"}'
try :
print requests.post("http://localhost:"+str(port)+"/ds", data={'update': test_add})
print urllib2.urlopen("http://localhost:"+str(port)+"/ds?query=SELECT%20DISTINCT%20*%20WHERE%20{?s%20?q%20?o}").read()
except Exception as e :
print e
This python script works now, it has been adapted from the answer below.
This is maybe not a good answer but just to show you that it works for me.
Jena Fuseki 2.6.0
public class FusekiTestServer {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Dataset ds = DatasetFactory.createTxnMem() ;
FusekiEmbeddedServer server = FusekiEmbeddedServer.create()
.add("/ds", ds, true)
.build() ;
server.start() ;
curl --request POST http://localhost:3333/ds --data-urlencode 'update=PREFIX dc: <http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/>INSERT DATA{ <http://example/book3> dc:title "A new book"}'
Update succeeded
curl --request GET http://localhost:3333/ds --data-urlencode 'query=SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE {?s ?q ?o}'
"A new book" .
I'm not a Python expert, but shouldn't the query string be put into the data array as it's a POST request? Something like
requests.post("http://localhost:"+str(port)+"/ds, data={'update': 'PREFIX dc: <http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/>INSERT DATA{ <http://example/book3> dc:title "A new book"}'})