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javascriptphpiosparse-platformsdk PHP SDK - Refresh user data - Fetch command

I'm using the PHP SDK on one of my pages. I seem to have a similar problem I faced on the iOS version but I easily solved that using the 'fetch' command.

The problem is when I edit information in my database, it does not update on my web page when I refresh the page. The user has to log out then log back in for the new data to be shown.

Here is how I'm getting the data:

<?php $u1=ParseUser::getCurrentUser()->get("auto"); echo $u1; ?>

Here is the documentation on the 'fetch' command but I don't understand how it works or how it is implemented:

Does anyone know how to show the updated string values using this command or anything similar that would work?


  • The issue you're seeing is a cached object in your current session, specifically the current ParseUser. You can see that the php sdk attempts to find the current user from a variety of places, all effectively independent of the server-side copy.

    You were in the right direction, you can use the fetch method to 'refresh' any ParseObject by updating it with any new changes from the database:

    // get the current user
    $user = ParseUser::getCurrentUser();
    // fetch changes from parse
    // get your newly set key/value pair
    $isAuto = $user->get('auto');

    Your user object will then be refreshed with the changes you need.