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Change share owner C#

I am writing a program which create some share folders on a 2012 server. I have a service account :

NTAccount serviceAccount = new NTAccount("myDomain", "SA_LiPAM");

This initialization work well.

if (folder.IndexOf('\\') == 0)
    Directory.CreateDirectory("\\\\" + serveurName + "\\Test-Projects\\" + pPrjName.Text + folder);// Creation
    fs = Directory.GetAccessControl("\\\\" + serveurName + "\\Test-Projects\\" + pPrjName.Text + folder);
    fs.SetOwner(serviceAccount);// Set owner
    Directory.SetAccessControl("\\\\" + serveurName + "\\Test-Projects\\" + pPrjName.Text + folde, fs);

On execution evrything seems ok, but, when I look on Security>advanced of the folder the owner is the localadmin...

Which way to definetly change the owner of this folder ?

Edit : I was using "File" instead of "Directory" thats why it doesn't work.


  • Please try the following code. I have used this link C# - How to use DirectorySecurity.SetOwner() ? I'm having troubles to create it

    if (folder.IndexOf('\\') == 0)
        string dir = "\\\\" + serveurName + "\\Test-Projects\\" + pPrjName.Text + folder;
        DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(dir);
        DirectorySecurity ds = di.GetAccessControl();                    
        FileSystemAccessRule permissions = new FileSystemAccessRule(serviceAccount, FileSystemRights.FullControl, AccessControlType.Allow);