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bxSlider: Disabling touchEnabled for desktop browsers

I am trying to disable the touchEnabled option for the bxSlider library if the user has a desktop browser.

          touchEnabled: false

//Html slider
<ul class="theSlider">

When debugging in the developer tools console in Chrome I get touchEnabled is not defined when trying to set it to false. What am I doing wrong?


  • Thanks for the responses, this is the solution I managed to work out. I set a default var touchDevice as false. If the user is using a mobile device it detects and sets touchDevice to true. When I initialise the bxSlider it will take whatever touchDevice is set to, and set touchEnabled to that result.

    // Enable touch events for Mobile Browsers
    var touchDevice = false;
    if (navigator.userAgent.match(/Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/)) {
          touchDevice = true;
          touchEnabled: touchDevice