From 19 July 23.45 GTM +1 all our applications using platform.js (live and in testing) started throwing exceptions on loading gapi features found in platform.js. No code change has been made, and the error started happening everywhere at once.
app.js:178 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'init' of undefined (referring to gapi.auth.init)
uncaught TypeError: _.Rp is not a function
Both errors originate from platform.js
I've attempted to rebuild the fronted js project with no luck, have also tried adding <script src=""></script>
before loading platform.js, but to no avail.
It is now 1.30 AM, thanks in advance, from a very tired developer.
Following is a screenshot of the errors
loadGoogleApi: function (callback, context) {
var self = this;
if (typeof gapi == 'undefined') {
callback.apply(context || self);
return gapi.load('auth2', function() {
self.auth2 = gapi.auth2.init({
scope: 'profile email',
client_id: Core.googleClientId
self.auth2.currentUser.listen(function (user) {
debug.log('Google user', user);
app.googleUser = user;
callback.apply(context || self);
Actually we found the issue. It was a conflict we another JS script we are using. In this custom JS, we created a function called Map() and it seems that google has updated its library last night and now is also using a function called Map. We just rename our custom JS function, and it is working.