When the task manager is open, there is an option for "Always On Top" in the menu bar. I would like this to be the default behavior for my application. I am using C# in Visual Studio to write the program. It is basically an investment calculator that offers important numbers for the user.
The user will need these numbers and it is unlikely for them to be able to memorize them. Time is of the essence when using my application so stopping to write them all down is not feasible either. How was this implemented? Thanks in advance.
I do not think this is a duplicate question. Other questions on SO have used third party software to handle this task. I also was under the impression that what others were seeking related to keeping one of many of their forms as top most. I am specifically asking to be higher than all applications running on the machine.
Furthermore, the question was designed to seek help on implementation of code to facilitate this. In the article offered by Mohammed, there is code for working with Windows API and I was unable to get it working. I had read this article prior to asking the question. Most people reported TopMost property to not help them, and many responses reported using Windows API.
if its winform application Form.TopMost
will work