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Understanding memory allocation for TList<RecordType>

I have to store a TList of something that can easily be implemented as a record in Delphi (five simple fields). However, it's not clear to me what happens when I do TList<TMyRecordType>.Add(R).

Since R is a local variable in the procedure in which I create the my TList, I assume that the memory for it will be released when the function returns. Does this leave an invalid record pointer in the list? Or does the list know to copy-on-assign? If the former, I assume I would have to manually manager the memory for R with New() and Dispose(), is that correct?

Alternatively, I can "promote" my record type to a class type by simply declaring the fields public (without even bothering with making them formal properties). Is that considered OK, or ought I to take the time to build out the class with private fields and public properties?


  • Simplified: records are blobs of data and are passed around by value - i.e. by copying them - by default. TList<T> stores values in an array of type T. So, TList<TMyRecordType>.Add(R) will copy the value R into the array at position Count, and increment the Count by one. No need to worry about allocation or deallocation of memory.

    More complex issues that you usually don't need to worry about: if your record contains fields of a string type, an interface type, a dynamic array, or a record which itself contains fields of one of these types, then it's not just a simply copy of data; instead, CopyRecord from System.pas is used, which ensures that reference counts are updated correctly. But usually you don't need to worry about this detail unless you are using Move to shift the bits around yourself, or doing similar low-level operations.