We are using JBoss EAP 6.4 as part of a third-party software package we run on our servers. In the installation notes, it states that we have to install in as follows:
There is a specific note that JBoss patching is incremental and therefore we have to patch both 6.4.9 and 6.4.12. In scripts provided by the manufacturer I also found references to those specific two patch versions.
I'm confused. I would have expected either to have an cumultative patch (e.g. install 6.4.0, install patch 12), or incremental patches (install 6.4.0, then patch 1, then patch 2, etc).
I googled and did not managed to find a good explanation for these requirements.
What's the logic behind JBoss (6.4) patching and what's so special about patch 9 to warrant the special inclusion?
The update instructions (as found on the download page) for JBoss EAP 6.4 patch 10 say that you have to apply the update to patch 9 first. This carries forward to future patch updates. There is a knowledgebase article which should mention this (it currently doesn't say that this applies to patch update 10 and later, but this should be fixed).