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How to identify whether webp image is static or animated?

I am working on a project where a user can upload webp images. I know how to convert webp images into jpg/png, but am stuck on how to identify whether the webp image is static (non-animated) or animated.

I want to identify them because I use different commands for conversion:

Command for non-animated webp to jpg:

dwebp nonanimated.webp -o jpg.jpg

Command for animated webp to non-animated webp (takes 2nd frame):

webpmux -get frame 2 animated.webp -o nonanimated.webp

But I cannot find a single command that handle both cases.

I am using PHP on the server side, and HTML and Javascript for frontend.


  • After a lot of investigation i found that animated webp images always conatins some string, when open in a text editor and non animated images doesn't. The strings are ANMF and ANIM. I checked these string in all webp images which i have. So this is perfect for me. Here are some solutions in PHP, Javascript and Shell Script:

    In PHP:

    function isWebpAnimated($src){
        $webpContents = file_get_contents($src);
        $where = strpos($webpContents, "ANMF");
        if ($where !== FALSE){
            // animated
            $isAnimated = true;
            // non animated
            $isAnimated = false;
        return $isAnimated;

    In Javascript:

    function isWebpAnimated(src) {
        var request = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', src, true);
        request.addEventListener('load', function () {
            if(request.response.indexOf("ANMF") != -1){
                // animated
                // non animated

    But In case of large images PHP and Javascript not working well, So best Solution is to use Shell Script, If you have Ubuntu.

    In Shell Script:

    echo $(grep -c "ANMF" ~/animated.webp)

    return 0 if non animated, else non zero value for animated.

    EDIT: In Python

    def isWebpAnimated(src):
            with open(src, 'rb') as f:
                data =
            # Check if the file starts with 'RIFF' and contains 'WEBPVP8' or 'WEBPVP8X'
            # if data.startswith(b'RIFF') and (b'WEBPVP8' in data or b'WEBPVP8X' in data):
            # Now will chk a byte b"ANMF" in file data
            if b"ANMF" in data:
                # The 'ANIM' indicating that the given file is Animated
                return 1
                return 0
        except Exception as err:
            exit(f"Error Occure: {err}")