Supposed that in a function, i always need to set someState
, and only need to set someOtherState
if condition
is true.
Is it preferable to do it like this:
this.setState({ someState });
if (condition) {
this.setState({ someOtherState });
Or this?
if (condition) {
this.setState({ someState, someOtherState });
} else {
this.setState({ someState });
I know React is optimized such that calling setState
in quick succession will usually not result in a re-render. But is that behavior guaranteed or should the code make such assumption?
eg. supposed it works by re-rendering on a fixed time interval, if the first setState
get called right before that interval block ends, then the second setState
will result in a re-render?
Why don't you use ternary operator? If condition is true, set it to new state. Otherwise, use the old one.
this.setState(prevState => ({
someOtherState: condition ? newSomeOtherState : prevState.someOtherState