I am testing PowerBuilder application using IAccessible object. But I am not able to get newly added row from PBDataWindow object. Is it possible to get PBDataWindow object using hooking. I can not modify application code and I don't have there source code also.
Regards, rajendar
You can access a datawindow control Accessibility properties using IAccessible but they need to be set in the code (IDE) or in run-time. I suspect this is the case for any Windows application that uses Accessibility unless the language sets default accessibility properties for you when they aren't explicitly provided.
If you don't have access to the source code than you are forced to look at Microsoft Windows 'window class names' to get a handle to objects which will be challenging not to mention that the name of an object might not be consistent across various instances of the application in memory.
For those looking to use Accessibility and have access to the source code, this is how they are set. You can set these for many different object types and columns within a datawindow object.
Assumption: Datawindow control is named, "dw_invoice".
Setting Accessible Properties Dynamically at Runtime
dw_invoice.AccessibleName = 'InvoiceDatawindow"
dw_invoice.AccessibleDescription = "The current invoice"
dw_invoice.AccessibleRole = DefaultRole!
Setting Accessible Properties in Development IDE