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How to handle AssetManager in multiple screens

public static AssetManager assets = new AssetManager(); should be avoided, however how do I handle an AssetManager in multiple screens? Is this a good solution?

public class myGame {

   assetMananger manager = new AssetManager(); 
   public assetManager getAssetMananger(){
      return manager; 

public class GameScreen implements Screen{

    private AssetManager manager;

    public GameScreen(myGame game){
       manager = game.getManager();

    public void render(){


  • return ApplicationListener instance. You can typecast to your implemented class and then easily access any method or data member of that class.

    In this way :

    ((GdxTest)  // <-- You can use from where you want in your project. 

    ApplicationListener implemented class :

    public class GdxTest extends ApplicationAdapter {
        public Assets assets;
        public void create() {
            assets= new Assets();
        public void dispose() {

    Assets class that handle all assets/resources of Game

    public class Assets implements Disposable {
        public AssetManager assetManager;
        public Assets(){
            assetManager=new AssetManager();   
        public void dispose() {

    • Either load all resources in create() method and show splash screen while all your data are loading to AssetManager. (best way for small project)

    • else for big projects having lots of resources unload unnecessary resources -> load new resources, while loading show loading screen to user.