Say I have the following domain objects:
class Top {
User createdBy
Other other
static hasMany = [
children: Child,
class Child {
User createdBy
static belongsTo = [
top: Top,
And given User myUser and Other myOther, I want to select all the Tops where = AND
join all children if top.createdBy = myUser OR
if top.createdBy != myUser, join only the children where child.createdBy = myUser (or maybe no children)
Here's what I tried (amongst many other failed variations):
eq('other', myOther)
createAlias('children', 'c', JoinType.LEFT_OUTER_JOIN)
children {
or {
eq('createdBy', myUser)
and {
ne('createdBy', myUser)
eq('c.createdBy', myUser)
But this fails with "org.hibernate.QueryException: duplicate association path: children" and a useless stack trace.
Any hints? Thanks in advance!
You can avoid the "duplicate association path" error by doing the left join as shown below. and remove the alias
children(CriteriaSpecification.LEFT_JOIN) {
or {
Not tested but try this
eq('other', myOther)
or {
eq "createdBy", myUser
children(CriteriaSpecification.LEFT_JOIN) {
eq "createdBy", myUser