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bitcoin and blockchain dev options

I don't know if this is the best place to ask this, but I'm not looking for help on a specific problem. I'm looking into block chain technology and some bit coin stuff. Ran into someone that does a lot of articles on the subject and was curious about it.

Since its new(ish) technology and still up and coming, I'm wonder if it would be interesting to get involved somehow and help shape and/or add to it in some way.

What types of development is going on out there on this technology these days. All the reading material I can find online related to development and block chain is 4+years old. I'm sure its much different today. Anyone know of some good resources for learning about the technology, what type of development opportunities there are (python preferred) and just general info?



  • I would say that as a developer you will be interested in smart-contract. Ethereum with it's Solidity as the most well-known platform which offers smart-contracts is a good point to start. Check out frameworks built on top of Ethereum like truffle as well

    I think that as developers the best thing we can do now is to develop some applications which simplifies using of blockchain for people because it's still looks like stuff for geeks.

    May be you an idea of web-service which will be much better in case of using blockchain and smart-contracts? Great! Create MVP, get expertise in the area, show your product, talk to people and go on.